Friday 10 August 2012

me and myself

Today conclusion after so many hectic months what am i.. hmm well i'm a daughter, a sister, a makcik to few nieces and nephews, a worker, a student and a businesswoman and a friend. ah. tp jarang keluar dengan kawan so yang tinggal ialah a daughter, a sister, a makcik to few nieces and nephews, a worker, a student and a businesswoman. penatkah saya. ye kadang2 sebab semua kena buat at the same time. semua jadi at the same time. people waiting for me to proceeed.. tapi itu la. nak buat macam mana. hehehe.. bersyukur dengan ape yang ade. alhamdulillah. :):):) and suddenly semua org start sakit. my parents regular checkup then suddenly mum kena batu karang kat hempedu. (she put waist nipper kat perut every night. nak ikat tak muat. hehehehe). now getting better. Alhamdulillah. then out of sudden older brother kena heart attack. then the whole two months busy. kesian abg sham... my father regular checkup. berat naik .. hahahahaha.. abah stresss.. for me maintain berat... makan banyak pun maintain. makan sikit .. hmm.. macam tak pernah makan sikit.. huhuhu.. should try later a friend asked you looks happy though lots of things happening. me said what can i do. oklah. we can't control people. people malas or people asyik suruh org buat keje dia sampai google pun tak mahu. but ok lah. Allah itu maha Adil dan maha kaya serta maha mengetahui. doa org teraniaya ni makbul tahu tak!!!! hehehe.. kesimpulannya, everything happen for a reason. becoz of something u know who u should trust and who can u let go to hell.. so ok lah. :) .. selamat berpuasa.. bersabar lah.. dan Allah permudahkan urusan ku dan ermurahkan rezki ke atas ku. Aminnn...

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