Thursday 2 August 2012

Cite Ghost Korean drama and my Information subject

Salam and good day and guten tag hehehe... tak sangka menonton drama korea ni membantu rupenye terutama bila nak jawab soalan lecture.. hahaha... Satu lec tanya what is botnet jawab aku - its creating huge virtual users to add traffic to the network.. pergh. betul wey. hahahaha.. pastu lec tanya what do you know about Zombie... yang ni pun pernah dengar dlam cite Ghost.. muahahaha.. computer effected are controlled by hackers.. :):):) menarik2.. kenapa aku suka tgk cite korea. sebab aku suka lah nothing else. masa kecik Winter Sonata, pastu Full House. Into the Sun. ah.. yang paling sedih ade 2.. Stairway to Heaven dengan Autumn In My heart. Sapa setuju? pastu ade coffee prince, princess hour. sekarang ade deep rooted tree, BIG (yang ni suka sangat), GHOST, drama high2 . ah.. cite ape yang prince dtg 300 tahun yang dulu. tak ingat. huhuhu. tp tu la. always have a very sweet ending. :):):)


  1. ke cite big sgt keeeee.. sbb kezen aku donlod smlm.. kalo bes, nk mntk dgn die..hehehe

  2. bestla. sila tgk ok? hehe.. mcm2 ada.
